You Can Start Again (As Many Times As You Need)
Starting over can be daunting, especially when it comes to our businesses. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard the women I work with one-to-one describe themselves as having ‘failed’ when they step back and choose differently, and it couldn’t be further from the truth.
Re-valuation is not only sensible but essential to a thriving enterprise. It’s often when we work for long periods without pausing to look around and see how the market is responding or how we actually feel that problems arise.
Not only is it entirely possible to change direction or start over, but deciding to do so is also a power move most entrepreneurs never make the most of. This is where we get to focus on our strengths and build upon them, and it’s also where we pinpoint our weak spots and outsource to free us up to do more of the work we enjoy and excel at.
Remember that freedom thing you wanted in the beginning… Hello decision maker!
Carry this affirmation around like a pocket rocket reminder that there is no shame in starting over, choosing differently or letting go of what doesn’t serve you.
Its OK to take a break and come back to it later (or not)
It’s OK to pivot mid-project
Its OK to put down a heavy load and take some time out
Its OK to go do something else for a while and part-time it
There is zero shame in deciding differently.
Trying a new way when the first doesn’t work out isn’t a failure. It’s leadership. And leadership is what you need if you want to succeed.
I believe in you (always).
This affirmation was taken from a series that I share every Monday to our mailing list. If you want to join in head over to and sign up!