To Be the Leading Lady in Your Business, You Must First Stop Behaving Like an Extra
This past weekend, my house has been a hive of activity: landscapers, mini diggers (I didn’t even attempt to drive it, I swear), long discussions around paving (this makes me feel ancient), and trips to B&Q to buy compost and fence posts (trips to B&Q with me are just me being dragged around like a whiny toddler wondering why there’s nothing remotely fun to do in there). It’s safe to say that by the end of the weekends, I am more than ready to return to my office.
A book caught my eye as I cleaned the mud from my shoes and flopped into a giant clean hoodie on Sunday night. I love this book, and it lives on my shelf as a reminder to pick it up whenever I notice it and flip to a random page because, without fail, it gives me something I need to hear at that moment — on this occasion, it excelled itself. I wanted to share with you what I read in its entirety. The book is Light Is The New Black by Rebecca Campbell, and these are her words:
If you’ve got a passion, a dream, a goal, some place that you want to leap towards, but are still looking on from afar… Don’t freak out looking at all the distance between you and it. Don’t wait for permission. Don’t just dip your toe in. Instead, jump right on in.
Standing on the outside looking in, with your face all pressed up against the glass, is torture. It’s also a waste of your gifts. If you’re passionate enough to watch from the sidelines, you will love it even more when you’re centre stage. That’s what you were born for. That’s where you belong.
Start by making simple daily actions that take you one step closer to being part of the action. Fill your Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook feeds with people already living in that world. Join an online community or reach out to someone who shares the same interest and meet them in person for real. Engross yourself in it all. Start telling people in your life what you’re up to, regardless of what you think their reaction might be.
Don’t hang by the edge. Instead, jump right on in.
As soon as I read those words, I knew I needed to share them with you today. If you’re reading this like I read your mind, this message is for you.
Stop looking at the distance between you and your dream. The time will pass anyway, so do something with it.
You are the leading lady; it’s time to stop behaving like an extra.
You were born for this, and I believe in you (always),
Tricia xo
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